Ongoing usability support
Usability is an ongoing process. It is essential that your web site continues to retain high standards of usability as it grows and changes. Our ongoing usability assessment will ensure that our recommendations have been properly implemented and that any further changes you make are inline with usability standards. We recommend using our ongoing usability support after applying our initial usability recommendations and then every three to six months, depending on how many various updates you make.
The ongoing support is the best way to make sure your site remains at high level of usability. Examples of our ongoing usability assessment may include:
- Post-redesign usability assessment
- An expert evaluation of new pages
- Professional advice in specific aspects of web usability
- Quality control, including the set of guidelines for your site’s appearance, content, and structure - Style guide, Content guide, and Information Architecture guide
We offer the following usability support options
Half a day per month assistance and help: $400
One full day per month assistance and help: $700
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