What Makes Our SEO Different?

Integrated Approach
Successful SEO requires synergy of on-page, built-in, and off-page SEO efforts. Efficient competition for traffic is impossible if your web site is designed with disregard for built-in SEO. At the same time, it will not produce enough results without on-page and off-page SEO. All three types of SEO are interrelated and the best results are achieved after their integration.
Most SEO companies do not have sufficient practical experience in custom web design and programming, required to actually “build in” SEO. They can only offer general recommendations for what needs to be done by web designers. On the other hand, most web design companies have only limited expertise in SEO. For this reason, they are usually more focused on graphic design and often ignore even the most essential SEO.
The combination of our expertise allows us to develop AND market your web site. Thus we ensure proper in-house integration of on-page, built-in, and off-page SEO. Such integration brings the best results and the best SEO ROI.
SEO of Dynamic Sites
Optimization of database driven web sites (content management sites, e-commerce sites)
A common problem with a database driven website is that its content is invisible to search engines because they cannot crawl and index dynamically generated pages. Optimization of database driven web sites requires programming skills. Many experienced SEO consulting firms specialize in optimization of content-only web sites and do not have such skills. They can offer only one-sided approach for database driven web sites, i.e. on-page and off-page SEO. As a result, most e-commerce sites have to rely heavily on paid advertising. Given the fact that only about 14% of clicks come from PPC listings, this is not the most effective approach.
We specialize in SEO of database driven web sites. We are familiar with the necessary processes and techniques that will help you achieve high free listings. Optimization of your database driven site for free listings means getting higher ROI and gaining a competitive advantage over most of your competitors.